Winning the war on adblockers & developing a website strategy: Coffee Break 09-06-17
Happy Friday! This week we’re revealing the secret on how to win the war against adblockers, and the essentials to developing a website strategy.
How many CTAs is too many, quality over quantity in content, and the medium is the message
Happy Friday! This week we’re asking how many CTAs are too many CTAs, whether it’s better to favour quality over quantity in content, and what impact the medium you use to deliver your content could be having on your messaging....
Using strategy to enhance creative and interactive marketing possibilities: Coffee Break 03-03-17
This week we’re looking at why creative that lacks strategy is so underwhelming, and exploring the possibilities of interactive marketing—from data visualisation to storytelling.
B2B content marketing and brands who KISS: Coffee Break 27-01-17
This week, we’re getting back to basics, asking what the value is for brands in keeping things simple, and why starting with your metrics might be the most important thing to do in B2B content marketing
Coffee break 23-09-16
Here’s our round-up of what we’ve been talking about this week including Lush TV, interactive stamps of intrigue, and getting hooked on Netflix.
Do B2B communications have to be boring? Four tips to ace your B2B campaign
The first task I was asked to do when I started working in an advertising agency was to come up with a B2B campaign for a client. I remember thinking: “I’ve got no idea how to do this, they don’t...
All you need to know about planning, creating and implementing a viral marketing campaign
Let’s start with a quick definition: Viral marketing aims to get potential buyers to share information on electronic media about a product or service, a brand or a message, to their contacts so the information spreads like a virus. Also...
Don’t get lost in the market place
Are you getting as many enquiries or sales leads as you’d like? Maybe your potential clients need to see how awesome you are? Perhaps your potential clients need to understand what makes you stand out from your competitors? Or perhaps you just...
Goodbye, 2014. Hello, 2015!
2014 has been a great year, and a lot has happened. We’ve learnt that brands are embracing and striving to create content that resonates with their audiences. These audiences have become more and more complex, and their expectations are higher...