Your business in startup mode–what should you consider to market your business?

Your business in startup mode–what should you consider to market your business?

With the start-up revolution showing no signs of slowing down, getting your marketing right has never been more important. But if you’re in competition with those who’ve already done the legwork to establish their brands, where should you start?

There’s no doubt it’s an exciting time for you and your business, and although you may not realise it, you might well have the upper-hand right now. Looking at the big leagues will give you a chance to see where they’re getting it right, and where they’re getting it wrong—all opportunities for you to create a fresh brand story that subverts the status quo and gets you more attention.

Storytelling is the key to building a strong brand. No matter what industry you’re in, a compelling story can give you the competitive edge over competitors. Start by profiling your customers. Identify why a customer needs your product or service and establish what makes yours a more irresistible option than your what your competitors are offering. You’ll then be able to distinguish your market position and start your brand story—answering questions that resonate with with your target such as: what do you stand for and how are you working towards it. Round off the story by working out how to communicate it in the best way to get some trust and credibility in your pocket.

But it all starts with identifying who your perfect customers are, so you can create the right marketing messages, that talk to the right prospects.

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