F6 welcome MA Creative Writing graduate back into the fold

F6 welcome MA Creative Writing graduate back into the fold

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After a brief hiatus to complete his Masters in Publishing and Creative Writing we’re delighted to welcome Jacob Mager back to our team!

Bajan born, Jacob came to the UK to study English and Creative writing at Kingston University London in 2011. He then joined us in 2016 as a Kingston and Santander intern, and has now returned to take on the full time role of Copywriter and PR Executive.

“During Jacob’s time as an intern, he never failed to impress me with his flair for crafting exceptionally engaging and charismatic copy,” said Candice, MD of F6 Agency. “In his short time here he was able to build a great rapport with both our clients and team, and so was greatly missed when he left us to continue his studies. I’m absolutely delighted to have him back, and after two years away, it feels like he’s never left! It’s an incredibly exciting time in the agency and the industry as a whole and I believe that Jacob’s drive to continue learning, as well as his ability to think creatively and deliver some fantastic ideas, will be a key driver in helping create real value for our clients.”

“I’m absolutely thrilled to be part of the F6 gang again,” added Jacob. “The team is supportive, exceptionally talented, and just plain awesome to be around. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into some juicy creative challenges with them.”

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Get to know Jacob in 2o questions: 

And while we know he’s a mean copywriter, a die hard Formula 1 buff, and has excellent taste in Barbadian rum, we decided to put him through a rigorous round of quick fire questions to really welcome him back to the team:

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When you’re not working, how do you spend your time?

I work on my sci-fi novel! I will get there. One day.

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Your favourite word?

Superfluous. It serves almost no purpose. It’s great!

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Your most-used emoji?

I use the cake emoji to describe almost all my emotions.

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Go to karaoke song?

Is there really any other choice than All Star by Smash Mouth?

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Drink of choice?

Baileys on the rocks if I’m pretending to be classy. Carling if I’m thirsty.

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Morning person or night owl?

Night time best time!

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Favourite joke?

The entirety of The Room.

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Social media of choice?

It’s gotta be Youtube. There’s such gold in the comments.

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What are you reading currently?

‘Good Cop, Bad War’ – it’s an undercover cop’s autobiography focusing on his time as a foot soldier in the War on Drugs, in which he and a vicious gangster bond over a love of Toy Story.

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If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Alaska. Making friends with snow dogs is high on my bucket list.

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If you could win an Olympic medal for any sport, real or fake, what would it be?

Eyebrow wiggling. I’d take the gold every time.

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If you could change your name, what would it be?

I’ve always been fond of the name Nick Cage. But I think it’s taken. (Please don’t judge me)

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If you could only eat one thing for every meal going forward, what would you eat?

Bacon and eggs, with bacon.

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If someone were to play you in a movie, who would you want it to be?

Whoopi Goldberg. Why not?

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What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?

For a long time I really, really wanted to be a farmer. I think I still do.

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What’s the last text you sent?

It was me begging my girlfriend not to have eaten all the chocolate Digestives by the time I get home. Will she listen? Find out next time.

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What’s your guilty pleasure?

Secretly, I enjoy eating KitKats sideways. Shh…

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What’s something you say you’ll do, but never will?

I think I promise someone that I’ll watch Daredevil at least once a week. It’s not looking hopeful.

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Has anything ever happened to you that you could not, and cannot, explain?

I have surfed on a turtle. No joke. It was underwater, and maybe it was more dragged along than surfed on, but I’ll never understand why that leatherback was so accommodating.

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What’s been on your mind lately?

I’ve been thinking about how best to ensure that I write every day. I’m considering hiring someone to steal my dinner every night if I haven’t hit my word count. Apply at jacob@f6agency.com.

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